OpenProj helps projects on discord open their work to the community, allowing members to participate in the projects development and get rewarded with shares of that project:
OpenProj integration into discord server
Initial Setup:
Please ensure all earnings from your project go to a project wallet address that is seperate from all other income streams or holdings. The project earnings should be isolated in it’s own address and not merged with any other value.
If your project is an NFT project, we highly advise following our guide on setting up NFT royalties for your contract, this will ensure sustained project income and encourage long term project development and growth from your contributors:
NFT Royalties Guide
Invite our OpenProj bot to your server:
Invite Url
Our bot will create the OpenProj category, the required channels and the OpenProjManager role
Creating Tasks:
The first message in a tasks-channel will define all the tasks that you are inviting members to complete.
For a member to add and remove tasks they must have the OpenProjManager role of that server.
Create tasks with the add_task slash command in your discord server:
These commands must be used so that the “tasks” message is created by our bot, this is necessary as the bot will be updating the tasks message frequently and must be the author of the message to do so.
Task Information:
Task Title: Title of the task Shares: A number from 1 - 100 that describes the difficulty of the task and is also the amount shares a contributor will receive on completion of the task Task Description: Describe what the task entails Thread Count: Specify how many threads can be created to contribute towards/complete a task Thread Links: The bot will create links to the threads that members create
Task Creator: The member that created this task
How a member completes/contributes to a task:
Members can create a thread to attempt completion/contribution of a task
The creator of this thread is held responsible for the task
The thread creator may require other members to assist in contribution/completion of the task. The thread creator uses the split command to allocate a percentage of received shares to contributors in that thread.
When the thread creator has judged that the task is sufficiently completed/contributed towards, they will use the split command in their thread, allocating shares to all assisting members for their contribution:
They will then archive the thread, awaiting evaluation.
Set Owner Shares Percent
A member with the OpenprojManager role must set the percentage of shares the project owner will possess using the set_owner_shares_percent command, if contributors collectively accumulate 100 shares and the owner set their shares percent to 50%, the owner will have 100 shares as well. The owner will always have the percent of shares set with this command:
Setting Owner Wallet address
A member with the OpenprojManager role must use the set_owner_wallet_address command, their wallet earnings according to the amount set with the set_owner_shares_percent command will be released to this account:
Evaluating a task contribution/completion:
At the end of the month time period, members with the OpenProjManager role will evaluate all task contributions/completions of every task-channel and distribute the share amounts, they will distribute the shares as a percentage of the threads contribution towards completing the task and according to the thread creators’ split allocations:
Diagram Of Flow:
Generate Payees And Shares
After all threads have been evaluated and shares distributed, the owner should use the generate_payees_and_shares command. The bot will send 2 arrays, the first array contains the share amounts and the second array contains the ethereum addresses for those amounts:
These lists are inserted into the _addPayees function of the payment splitter smart contract:
You can request for me to create this contract for you at or find the guide on how to create this smart contract here:
Send the funds from the project wallet to the created smart contract’s address
Contributors can now release their allocated earnings from the smart contract by inserting their wallet address into the release function:
Openproj will always have 5% of shares
Openproj will always possess 5% of shares, according to the same logic as the set_owner_shares_percent command
Set Wallet address
Members must add their wallet address with the below command, members that fail to add their address will forfeit their earnings to everyone that did add their address:
Enable / Disable Chat Shares
Like mee6 leveling up system, contributors can be rewarded a specified amount of shares every minute of communication on the channels you select
You can delete and create the following channels in the OpenProj category anytime, our bot will populate the necessary info on creation:\
When creating these channels, please ensure spelling is the same as demonstrated above, this is necessary for our bot
Server Duplication
For every discord server that has integrated with OpenProj, it’s task channels and task channel’s contents will be duplicated and kept up to date by our bot on the OpenProj server, making it accesible to members looking to contribute to a project.